A SIMPLE QUIZ TO CHECK YOUR MEMORY AND COGNITIVE SKILLS This simple test evaluates some aspects of your memory &
cognition. The quiz has two components, a performance and a historical section.
1a. What year is it?
1b. What season is it?
1c. What month is it?
1d. What day of the week is it?
1e. What is today's date?
2. Remember these words: apple, table, diamond
3. Without looking at your watch, write down what
time it is?
Now look at your watch and write down the actual time:
4. Give the names of
the current and previous four Indian presidents:
5. Give the names of the following items:
5a)A calculator that performs arithmetic functions by manually sliding counters on rods or in grooves
5b) Fruit of the oak tree. This nut may be eaten
raw, roasted, or baked. It can be chopped to the size of coffee beans, roasted until brown, ground ...
5c) A conveyor
transport device for transporting people, consisting of individual, linked steps that move up or down on tracks, which keep
the treads horizontal.
5d) Inuit or Eskimo dwelling, especially a dome-shaped
winter dwelling built of blocks of packed snow
5e) A thin cylindrical pointed writing implement; a rod of marking substance encased
in wood
5f) A navigation tool
used to measure angles on a chart.
polyhedron having a polygonal base and
triangular sides with a common vertex
5h) A timepiece
that is to be worn on a person, as opposed to a clock which is not. Which is worn on the wrist with a strap.
6) Do you remember the address of the last place you lived?
No 7) Do you find that you repeat yourself more often?
Yes No 8) Do people get annoyed with you due to your memory?
Yes No 9) Do you have more trouble remembering lists, such as shopping lists ?
Yes No 10) Do you have trouble remembering events that happened this morning
or last week?
Yes No 11) Do you now have more trouble following directions?
Yes No 12) Have you been getting lost more often than usual?
No 13) Do you have trouble finding
Yes No 14) Do you find that you lose or misplace things more often?
Yes No 15) Do your memory difficulties impair work/social life?
16) Without going back to the top of the
page, write down the three words you were told to remember at the beginning of the quiz:
Scoring for the Memory Quiz
Answers for part 1 of the quiz
(total score for part 1 = 18):
1. Give yourself 1 point for remembering the exact date (date, day of week, month, season,
and year). Please note this does not mean giving yourself a point for each of the items; rather give yourself 1point if all
of the date information is correct. (1 point)
2. Did you remember the three words (apple, table, penny) asked for in question 16? Give yourself
1point for each correct answer. (3 points)
3. If the difference between your guessed time and the correct time is less than thirty minutes,
give yourself 1 point. (1 point)
4. Give yourself 1 point for each President named correctly: R Vekataraman, Shankar Dayal
Sharma, KR Narayanan, APJ Abdul Kalam, Pratibha Patil, . The order in which you remembered them is not important. (5
5. Give yourself a point for each correct answer.(8 points)
a. Abacus (1 point)
b. Acorn (1 point)
c. Escalator (1 point)
d. Igloo (1 point)
e. Pencil (1 point)
f. Protractor (1 point)
g. Pyramid (1 point)
h. Watch (1 point)
Answers for part 2 of the quiz (total score for part 2 =10):
6. Give yourself 1 point for remembering your last address. (1 point) 7–15. Give yourself
1 point each for every question you answered no. (9 points)
Total number of points __________________________
If you scored a 27 or 28, congratulations! It looks like you have a pretty good memory.
This may be a surprising outcome for you, particularly if you bought this book to improve your memory. This should speak to
the fact that your perception of your memory may not be an accurate estimate of how well your memory actually operates.
In any event, this book hasn’t been a wasted investment. Now, at least you know for sure that you have a pretty decent
memory. Nonetheless, even if your test resulted in a very positive finding, working with the strategies in this book can still
help you to improve your memory. You did pick up the book for a reason, and we promise to deliver on that. If you scored between
22 and 26, you’re doing all right but you could use some help. This is not to say that you have a “bad memory,”
just that you could use some help with improving it. You’ve come to the right place.We are all about helping you
22 to 26ers. If you scored in this range, this book is bound to be of some help to you. Read on, and improve your memory. If
you scored 21 or below, and you’ve noticed that you’re having difficulties with your memory or your thinking abilities
of sufficient severity to interfere with your functioning, you probably would benefit from a good neurological evaluation.
Don’t panic. This test is not a diagnosis. But, if you are having trouble with your memory and you scored in this
range, we recommend seeking professional help. You will want to share your concerns with your general practitioner, and youmay
want to ask that doctor for a referral to a neurologist. A neurologist can give you a battery of various examinations that
will help to assess whether you are having cognitive difficulties or not.
Please note that all material contained herein is provided for
informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice or instruction. Consult your health care professional
for advice relating to a medical problem or condition. -For more
information read our terms of service.
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improvement your improvement loss of memory memory" "cognitive WE TRAIN STUDENTS FOR MEMORY COMPETITONS HELD IN INDIA AND