All information on this site is intended for your general
knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt
medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new regimen. Use of this online service
signifies your agreement to the disclaimer and the terms and conditions, which you should read before going further.
website shall in no way serve as an authorization to perform or receive medical services. The information contained in this
site does not provide, nor is it a replacement for, professional medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment. See your
physician or other health care provider for those services.
While we believe that the information provided to you
by this site is current and reliable, we cannot and do not guarantee this since the health care field is rapidly changing
and new information is constantly available. Furthermore, we cannot and do not guarantee any information that you might receive
through this site from other subscribers or users or any other providers of information through this site. THE MEMORY GURU
OF INDIA and its affiliates, associates
and sponsors, disclaim all liability in connection with such information and any services that you might receive from any
health care providers that we might assist you in locating, as well as any costs in connection with those services.